For classifieds such as long-term room/house rentals, selling homes and cars, selling businesses, or job listings:
New posts or renewals for 15 days: FREE.
New posts or renewals for 2 months or more start at just $8.

For short-term vacation rentals or business directory ads:
New posts or renewals for 3 months: FREE.
New posts or renewals for 6 months or more start at just $8.

Upgrade to featured listings starting at only $10.


For classifieds such as long-term room/house rentals, selling homes and cars, selling businesses, or job listings:
New posts or renewals for 15 days: FREE.
New posts or renewals for 2 months or more start at just $8.

For short-term vacation rentals or business directory ads:
New posts or renewals for 3 months: FREE.
New posts or renewals for 6 months or more start at just $8.

Upgrade to featured listings starting at only $10.

Posting Rules

To ensure a healthy, helpful, and fair information-sharing environment for all users, Người Việt ABC has established the following posting guidelines:

1. Content Guidelines

  • Accuracy and Honesty: All posted information must be accurate, well-founded, and not misleading to readers.

  • Compliance with Cultural and Ethical Standards: Posts must not contain violent, provocative, offensive, discriminatory content, or anything that violates legal regulations.
  • Relevant Content Only: Posts must align with the goals and fields of activity of Người Việt ABC.

2. No Spam Policy

  • No Duplicate Posts: Posts with identical or similar content will be removed. Users who repeatedly violate this rule may have their accounts suspended.
  • Limit Posting Frequency: Avoid posting too many ads in a short period to prevent overwhelming the platform.
  • No Keyword Stuffing: Posts should not contain excessive keywords intended to manipulate search engine optimization (SEO) unfairly.

3. Advertisements and External Links

  • Appropriate Advertisements: Advertisements must be relevant to the goals and fields of activity of Người Việt ABC.
  • External Links: Links must be safe and should not lead to harmful, fraudulent, or unrelated websites.

4. User Rights and Responsibilities

  • Users are fully responsible for the content they post.
  • Posts that violate these guidelines may be edited or removed without prior notice.
  • Accounts with repeated violations will be temporarily suspended or permanently deleted.

5. Support and Complaints

If you have any issues or questions regarding posting, please contact the administration team via email: [email protected] or the customer support hotline.

Thank you for your cooperation with Nguoi Viet ABC in building a civilized and helpful information-sharing community!

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